Wednesday, April 3, 2013

                                             "Don't Stop Believing!"

That has been our theme since Craig's terminal cancer diagnosis in November of 2012. We have been overwhelmed with the love and support of our friends, family and our Old Stone Church family. About two months after Craig's diagnosis, his friend, Harry, wanted to have a surprise get together for Craig. Harry, his wife, Craig and I all planned a dinner at our friend's establishment, The Tradesman. An hour later, Craig was mobbed with love and support from about 70 people who entered the bar in a single file line to Journey's, "Don't Stop Believing!"

And so the Love Mobs began. We created additional mobs for others afflicted with Cancer including my high school classmate, Brigid, my dear friend, Shelley and my colleague, Jessica and her son, Owen. We made fleece blankets that were signed by the "mobsters," gave each person a copy of my "Love" book, and gave them a Love Mob CD  that my sister, Judy,  created which was filled with uplifting songs! The friends who were mobbed were overwhelmed with emotion and pleasantly pleased with the outpouring of encouragement and support. The Love Mobs were truly uplifting!

We were pleasantly "Mobbed" twice this past  weekend before our new journey began on Monday April 1st (new treatment plan that lasts a year and requires a very strict diet).  After I took Craig out Friday for a nice dinner at his favorite restaurant, Johnny's,  over 100 people join us in celebration again at the Tradesman. We were again uplifted by the love, support, kind words, hugs and encouragement. We had surprise visits from a long-time friend, Marie and Jessica  came home from college to support and surprise her father. We were greeted by long-time friends, new friends, church friends (Carl!!!), former students of mine and of course, our family! WOW! We are so blessed!

But the mobbing didn't end there! Our family and friends again mobbed us at church Easter Sunday. My sister, Peggy and Pastor Mark arranged everything and several pews in the front of Old Stone Church were filled with our loved ones! Both Craig and I were overwhelmed with emotions. That was by far, the most beautiful act of love and kindness that we have recieved, and we have been blessed with much love and kindness!!! Friends who don't even attend church, came to mob Craig. Our friend, Dann even brought his mother and sister! My father, three sisters and some nieces and nephews were present, as well. Pastor Mark made reference to Craig and this special Love Mob and even sang the main verse from Journey's "Don't Stop Believing!" Again, WOW! 

We are so grateful and blessed! We will not stop BELIEVING!!!  

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