Friday, May 10, 2013

Inspired Children Inspire Me!

I was deeply moved to tears today when I received  a stack of letters in the mail from a class of third graders.... taught by a former student! Recently,  Brittany Cook,  purchased both of my books, BELIEVE & LOVE, and shared them with her 3rd grade class. The students then wrote me heart-felt, genuine letters filled with  appreciation, empathy and kindness.   Most importantly, their letters showed they understood the books' messages!!! 

Their response was overwhelming. 
They got it! They were living it! The books enriched their lives!

Thank you, Brittany, for making my day and affirming that these books can and will help children of ALL ages learn the valuable lessons of resiliency!! Read for yourself! I only posted a few, though they were ALL beautiful and appreciated! 

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